December 11th -
Even snowy days aren’t quiet in this household!! Luckily we didn’t have to go out to any appointments today, but Declan had his PT from birth to 3 and his visiting nurse at the house today (they both usually come on Mondays, but coincidentally both came on a Wednesday this week!). Some people have been asking about Declan’s therapies, so this may be a good time to share the breakdown of who his therapists are. I shared a photo on my personal Facebook page yesterday showing all of the shopping Declan did for some special people in his life (6 therapists and a visiting nurse). So first off yes, Declan has a visiting nurse; she comes out once a week, sometimes once every other week depending on if he has any other doctor appointments then she usually skips a week. There are some families who have in-home nursing help, such as a night nurse. We are very fortunate that Declan’s needs aren’t so complex that we need constant nurse care. Yes Declan’s room is full of medical equipment (I can share in another post all about that equipment)but they are pieces of equipment we’ve been trained in how to use and are comfortable using now. My one soap box in this post is that there are families who really DO need and should have around the clock nursing help or a night nurse but are unable to get it due to the absolute ridiculousness of insurance companies!!! There is also a respiratory therapist who comes to see Declan too. She just comes over once a month and she works for the medical supply company who loans us all his equipment. The RT (respiratory therapist) checks in once a month to see how everything is going for us with his equipment (bi-pap, oxygen tanks, pulse ox.) both these women are absolute saints at what they do!!! I’ve loved being home to actually see them the past few months and to chat with them. In addition to these 2 lovely ladies, Declan has 7 other teachers/therapists in his life!!! Nope that’s not a typo. And each one of them is just as important to Declan’s progress. Firstly, Declan has a TVI (teacher of the visually impaired), who comes to our house to help with arranging his work space and to teach us strategies to help him use his vision to the best of his ability. Secondly, Declan has 2 SLPs (speech and language pathologists), one through birth to 3 and one he sees privately for feeding therapy. Both ladies are also working on communication. Thirdly, Declan has two OTs, one through birth to 3 and one he sees in a private therapy setting (which by the way is hands down the best place ever!!!) One of his OTs (occupational therapists) is fairly new to our family; she is phenomenal but he did have another OT for quite some time that we still miss very much 😔Finally, Declan has two PTs (physical therapists) one through birth to 3 and one at the same private setting as OT. So after hearing about all those leading ladies in his life, you could imagine how Declan keeps his daddy so busy all week long!!! Getting to go to these appointments over the past few months (during the summer and now while on maternity leave) I really don’t know how he does it alone usually; he is super dad!!! Here is a picture of Declan’s shopping for all these amazing ladies and a picture of Declan with his super dad, which
none of these therapies would be possible without him 🥰
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