Yesterday I came across a video ad on FB put out by CCMC about g-tubes so I figured this is a good time to talk about Declan's g-tube. There are a ton of big words used by doctors to describe why Declan needs a feeding tube, but basically due to him having such low tone, Declan lacks the physical and oral motor strength to safely consume anything thicker than purees (think stage 2 baby foods) or melt-able puffs at this point in his life. He also struggled with consuming milk by bottle ever since he was in the NICU; he tired out very easily. When Declan was born, he had an NG tube (those ones go in the nose, down the throat and into the stomach). Danbury Hospital talked about possibly sending him home with this, but then the concern grew about Declan's heart so he was transferred to CCMC and a month later when it was time to leave the NICU they wouldn't discharge him with a NG tube. He had to have surgery and get a G-tube placed which I was relieved honestly because Ryan and I both had lots of anxiety practicing inserting the NG tube properly!!! So Declan had the surgery and four days later, we were finally homebound with g-tube intact!!!! Fast forward to now, and Declan is making progress with feeding orally. We are slowly thickening his foods and of course hope that one day in the future he would no longer need to have a G-Tube. But for now, if anyone ever has questions don't be afraid to ask and like the adorable kids said in the CCMC video "Don't freak out!!!" But please no more asking how soon until it can be taken out and please no more saying "well if you just feed him more by mouth he won't need it". Unfortunately it's not that simple; trust me we would of course prefer he didn't have the g-tube and need a feeding pump. But for now it's what he needs to be nourished and we are okay with that!! Here is a picture of our little set up at home for Declan's feeding pump; we even had the pump personalized recently!! I even decorate the pole for the different holidays. Just remember fed is best, no matter which way a child has to be fed, as long as they are growing and getting the nutrients they need that's all that matters.
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